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ABN: 7140 381 5972   |   BSA Lic: 1201201

Waterproof Podiums

Depending the style of the podium deck will determine the waterproofing system that needs to be installed. A garden bed type podium will require a different system compared to a trafficable podium system or a tiled podium system.

Advanced Waterproofing prefer the use of a seamless liquid applied membrane than the use of a sheet membrane disallowing any chance of delamination at any seam or junction.

Lagos Waste Waterproofing have solutions to apply both to the positive and negative sides of the podium, with solutions to prior concrete pour or after the concrete pour or during the concrete pour, using penetrating silates, these will penetrate up to 200mm into the slab.

Penetrations are a black spot on any podium level therefore needing the attention of a very flexible but yet durable membrane to be installed in conjunction with a hob around the perimeter of the penetration.

Adequate drainage needs to be factored into podiums due to the large volume of water they can collect very quickly due to there size. Podiums get waterproofed they are not watertight, that is why there shouldn't be any standing water anywhere on the podium.

waterproofintg balconies

These defects can be rectified at time of construction or prior to membrane application. Lagos Waste Waterproofing suggest the use of two layers at a minimum of core flute protection to all vertical surfaces to protect the membrane from the sheer weight that gravities forces affect have with the aesthetic rocks or pavers installed after the waterproofing.